Friday, October 10, 2008

Everything 'Bout Beer, Recession and Unemployment

There is a website parked over at GOFather.COM called It is for sale now. Buy it now, before it becomes a multimillion dollar web entity. You will be sorry that you didn't invest in it when you could buy in cheaply. You know. Like all that other stuff that's becoming affordable faster than your Ferrari that's about to be repo'd.

Why is King-O-Beer going to be such a success? As the stock market goes down people will be looking for virtual beer. "Virtual Beer", You ask?

Yep, just like virtual everything else that we used to enjoy with such careless abandon. The cost of a barrel of oil is going down as I write this. Gas was "down to" $3.29 a gallon today. I paid $5.00 a gallon just a few weeks ago. Lot's of folks are losing their jobs in these volatile economic times. "They" say it's a good time to buy stocks. But just like cheap gas, stocks, and beer, you have to have a job and income to buy anything. So cheap is irrelevant to someone broker than dirt. So when the money runs out and all you have left is this Internet connection at the public library, here's one to you Mr. Homeless, Carless, Foodless, famililess, skankily clothed, Ex-millionaire Stockbroker, a virtual Beer. Cheers.

Future Virtual Experience CEO / Entremanure... Hops Vatruewski.

1 comment:

Bill Howard said...

Hear tell there is the possibility of virtual burping too.

And the advent of the virtual beer belly enables one to expand their virtual pants accordingly, inexpensively :)